Contact und Directions
Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH
Area Wood Materials Technologies
c/o UFT Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln
Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 24
3430 Tulln/Donau
The area Wood Materials Technologies (except for the working group wood biotechnology, TU Vienna) is located on the Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, BOKU Vienna at campus Tulln.
Office and labs of Wood K plus are located at the University and Research Center (UFT), Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 24, A-3430 Tulln. Crossing the assembly hall from the main entrance to the staircase on southern part of the building, upstairs on the 1st floor on the right hand you will find the offices of Wood K plus starting at office no. 1.3.119.
Public transport
Train station Vienna Franz Josefs Bahnhof, Vienna Spittelau or Vienna Heiligenstadt à Vienna à Tulln. By foot: crossing Bahnhofstrasse and following Jakob-Schefzik-Gasse ahead to UFT (approx. 900 m).
Train station “Westbahnhof” underground U6 à station „Spittelau” à Vienna à Tulln by train.
Train station “Südbahnhof/Zentralbahnhof” underground U1 à station “Schwedenplatz” à underground U4 à station “Spittelau” à Vienna à Tulln by train.
By Car
From Linz – Salzburg (A1) St. Pölten – S33 direction Krems – Traismaier S33 direction Vienna/Tulln à Exit Tulln.
From Klagenfurt – Graz (A2) A2 direction Vienna à Südosttangente (A23) Exit Kaisermühlen à Donauufer Autobahn (A22) direction Krems à Stockerau S5 direction Krems à Exit Tulln.
By Plane
International airport Vienna - Schwechat à City Airport Train (CAT) à underground station „Wien Mitte“ (U3, U4) à underground U4 direction „Heiligenstadt“ à end of the line train station „Heiligenstadt“ à by train Vienna à Tulln (time max. 90 min.).