Talente Regional Project „Let's Process“
The aim of this project is that children and teens can understand processes and the used “language” to describe them. They should learn and get curious as to which main parameters can influence a process to get the most efficient and sustainable ones.
Projects Partners:
Within the project 10 cooperation grants can be handed out. With this financial aid interested educators are able to provide exciting lessons in the field of technology and science and the pupils can take the role of researchers.
Every education institution in Austria can benefit from the cooperation grant to help carry out interesting projects, which otherwise would not be possible.
Questions concerning the cooperation grant within the project “Let's Process” may be addressed to Mrs. Edith Zikulnig-Rusch (e.zikulnig-rusch@kplus-wood.at).
The project funded by the BMVIT was started 1st September 2015 and will end after one year.